i did not know that govt had their own etf :<I

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Hi Kevin, good piece as usual.

1) why not using <NAV> GO in bbg ?

2) have you considered palladium? It's finally waking up, considered as a precious metal so I suspect the gold bid is helping, if you HS GO: XAU / XPD you will notice a gap between the two, palla is used in catalytic converter (clean play), a key component of fuel cell, and supply is very limited

Have a good weekend !

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Such a strange situation. I remember when they pitched MNT at the IPO and brought a real gold bullion bar (damn that thing is small but heavy). Great structure and alignment/risk controls but awful management.

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My broker's borrow for this is 8.5%... should i bother arbing?

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Great post! Do you know if this is true of PSLV/MNS, as well?

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Actually, it doesn't appear to have the same issue.

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